Elle Macpherson

This quote was added by bernosaur
Focusing on the way I look makes me uncomfortable. I try to focus on the way I feel - I know what makes me feel better about myself. Reading my child a story makes me feel great, doing my hair nicely doesn't.

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eventlogging 170.00 100%
forkhunter 145.69 99.0%
anne3yp 144.39 100%
treemeister 143.77 99.0%
corey 133.96 100%
mrsjsmiley 124.89 98.6%
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andrbroo1 121.19 99.5%
munchkinbug 120.45 98.6%

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paigeking 29.30 82.9%
user99861 33.35 82.2%
user421490 70.27 90.4%