About nothing - Barto

This quote was added by barto1
I don't know why am I writing this - maybe because I want to get this badge for writing a quote... but I'm not really good at it, so this will be the end. Goodbye.

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weesin 4 years, 11 months ago
You're right....you're not good at submitting quotes. This is full of errors - I count 5

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user871724 141.61 97.0%
ejh1109 130.70 100%
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jacki.tapia 100.88 99.4%
luciuszaros 99.79 97.0%
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vishal 87.97 95.9%
eric_rob 87.64 98.2%

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user104405 88.11 96.4%
user491757 121.37 93.7%
vishal 87.97 95.9%