Al's Contribution to Society - Aleph

This quote was added by aleph14
I'm here to help you with your typing test. May the force be with you as you type this very short quote. And may the odds be ever in your favor. How did it went?

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Score (WPM) distribution for this quote. More.

Best scores for this typing test

Name WPM Accuracy
user381085 147.45 100%
trishadgk 102.01 90.4%
topskies 101.43 97.6%
kicko 99.56 96.4%
user104405 97.16 98.2%
user80864 90.28 95.3%
cholloway526 88.86 94.2%
user468593 79.74 99.4%
gladevise 73.05 96.4%
ceifero 69.35 98.8%

Recently for

Name WPM Accuracy
thecrazydane2 59.60 84.7%
gladevise 73.05 96.4%
ceifero 69.35 98.8%
user381085 113.98 95.3%
user381085 147.45 100%
cattype123 68.80 99.4%
user104405 97.16 98.2%
user104405 89.71 96.4%