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Under Milk Wood - Dylan Thomas

This free online typing games was added by marc3
To begin at the beginning: It is spring, moonless night in the small town, starless and bible-black, the cobblestreets silent and the hunched courters'-and-rabbits' wood limping invisible down to the sloeblack, slow, black, crowblack, fishingboat-bobbing sea.

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Best scores for this free online typing games

Name WPM Accuracy
eventlogging 170.00 100%
typin_ 164.98 98.9%
railker 109.03 98.1%
sokend 98.12 98.1%
xfr 94.71 99.2%
leviosaquest23 88.16 99.6%
sam 86.76 99.6%
synaptic 83.61 98.8%
qnfauf 83.33 96.5%
jiminl 83.30 96.9%

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Name WPM Accuracy
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luisdus 48.96 89.4%
c3meservy 33.98 91.8%
user763921 29.00 92.8%
tdeep 48.11 93.9%
eventlogging 170.00 100%