Halo 3 - The Prophet of Truth

This quote was added by user74975
How could I have known the Parasite would follow? Undoubtedly, this is the Heretics' doing! A final, bitter curse, clear evidence of treachery long hidden.

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berryberryberry 133.31 94.5%
user871724 128.24 95.7%
user491757 120.14 96.9%
hruppert 119.16 98.7%
strikeemblem 118.65 98.1%
user64764 116.43 93.4%
user9212 111.17 100%
2001or2 110.94 91.7%
iltranscendent 109.73 96.3%
pontoko 109.10 96.9%

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thecrazydane2 62.29 90.6%
zydokomuna 59.10 95.1%
user107401 32.77 95.7%
user751214 60.79 89.6%