Mortal Kombat 11 - Raiden

This quote was added by madamebutterfly
The truth I embrace, Shinnok, is that mercy is wasted on those who defile Earthrealm. I will destroy our enemies before they destroy us. Starting with you.

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user551793 124.81 99.4%
strikeemblem 110.80 98.7%
jacqueline1234 107.69 100%
user381085 104.85 92.5%
user274405 95.52 93.4%
ccanb 95.17 100%
wrench1 95.16 95.7%
user60846 93.03 96.3%
cholloway526 91.29 97.5%
kicko 89.88 98.1%

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ammar_trying_to_write 38.66 92.9%
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diamondrock 61.51 88.6%
jacqueline1234 107.69 100%
user104405 88.47 99.4%
wyvern 15.39 95.7%