REDEMPTION - The Outerlimits

This quote was added by shasta-landstar
I just heard this on an episode of the Outerlimits; A second chance, but redemption follows not a change of body, but a change of heart. The Outerlimits.

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Name WPM Accuracy
forkhunter 118.89 92.7%
ephemeralwildflower 108.70 98.7%
jacqueline1234 107.56 97.5%
user425222 106.42 95.0%
user835187 104.00 97.5%
vanilla 102.73 96.2%
gwaldrop 101.42 95.6%
user109238 98.54 93.9%
gordonlew 98.42 90.6%
rrapattoni 95.54 100%

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user108603 56.06 87.4%
user109238 98.54 93.9%
mkhan3102 63.73 96.2%
magesh 83.46 90.5%
madiemadiemadie 62.71 92.7%
omolon 49.11 85.5%
sharkster16 93.55 99.4%
mkennedy2013 61.26 86.0%