The touch of tao typing - bvw 2020g-01-22 13:52.01

This quote was added by bvw
The touch of tao typing is to quiet the mind and let the words pass unfiltered, but buffered ahead, to the fingers, thoughtlessly. Practice until there is no consciousness in movement, just steady flow.

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demoncookie666 3 years, 7 months ago
yes shifu
divine_. 4 years, 2 months ago

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Name WPM Accuracy
venerated 153.23 99.5%
user491757 149.43 99.0%
69buttpractice 149.10 100%
vmlm 146.66 100%
user84662 146.55 99.5%
seantype2510 146.24 100%
violet12333 144.80 96.2%
alliekarakosta 144.33 100%
treemeister 144.22 96.7%
penguino_beano 140.31 98.1%

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galaxy.speck. 75.05 94.4%
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jenslysajan 87.69 91.0%
blunzengroestel 94.90 97.6%