Terraria Calamity- Calamitas' Last Message - Unknown

This quote was added by electroshockgamer
Just stop! Even if you defeat me you still have my lord to contend with! He has never lost a battle! Not even I could defeat him! What hope do you have!? Perhaps one of these times I'll change my mind...

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user871724 142.10 100%
trishadgk 96.54 94.0%
mcgambril 94.64 100%
magesh 85.60 95.8%
vishal 84.70 97.1%
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colinoooooooo 80.03 97.1%
yoko 79.73 91.9%

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irreverent487 82.72 99.0%
lisa1025 75.37 95.8%
user85658 62.24 90.6%