Least Popular - deadmau5

This quote was added by mark1181
I was the least popular in my school. The less popular you are, the more time you have to work on your own thing as opposed to trying to fit into everyone else's thing.

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Name WPM Accuracy
trishadgk 119.04 94.4%
colincastle1234 115.58 98.2%
user851491 113.99 93.9%
jacqueline1234 108.06 98.2%
gorbodorbo 107.61 96.6%
user830398 104.99 100%
user88803 103.23 97.1%
paranoidminotaur 103.05 94.4%
slamuel 102.58 94.9%
ezka 101.58 94.4%

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aziebelle 62.85 92.8%
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queenrita124 83.80 93.3%
slaughtermelon 92.09 97.1%
user97146 87.53 97.1%
user108042 48.41 90.9%