Les aventures de Tintin - Le secret de la Licorne - p14 - Haddock - Hergé

This quote was added by ratatam
Au large, forbans ! Au large ! Au large, mercenaires !... Cornichons !... Sapajous !... Pirates !... Flibustiers !... Cornemuses !... Traîne-potence !...

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Name WPM Accuracy
chiarastellata 86.73 96.8%
fanny1989 81.82 98.1%
user485823 80.36 97.5%
artong 80.20 94.4%
bydog10 77.57 93.3%
boombyone 61.75 92.7%
tomabtl 59.94 93.3%
joeoje 56.66 87.9%
augustin417 55.25 91.1%
isaure 54.59 92.2%

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ironherald 54.39 96.2%
jvh-be 50.45 93.3%
user107382 36.73 87.9%
ironherald 53.09 91.6%
soulstorm 53.21 96.8%
user485823 80.36 97.5%
user485823 69.30 94.4%
guess_you_wonder_where_i_been 21.58 84.2%