Generic proposal - Freelancer site term

This quote was added by silverbead0815
Using generic proposals (bids with the exact same content) on multiple projects. Bidding on and accepting projects you do not have the required expertise on. Bidding with a very low amount and increasing the amount significantly once awarded. Giving out or asking for contact information in your bid.

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typin_ 174.02 94.4%
strikeemblem 104.80 95.0%
jacqueline1234 101.50 98.4%
geryjs 94.02 91.5%
brianwang76 92.79 98.0%
boni 88.88 98.0%
user93811 84.18 94.6%
rrapattoni 75.77 91.7%
shyhamhalder 75.77 89.9%
freedomdazzles 74.63 95.9%

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