Something you don't know... - Gerard way

This quote was added by killjoy_mcrmy
So people keep asking me what this badge is for... this badge makes me the sheriff, the sheriff of Emo town, so get your straight irons and eyeliner ready!

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Name WPM Accuracy
eventlogging 170.00 100%
statusmeco 128.24 98.1%
naomi_bee 66.51 97.4%
ashleyj722 31.86 96.8%
user18917 27.13 90.3%

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Name WPM Accuracy
eventlogging 170.00 100%
statusmeco 16.82 98.7%
user18917 27.13 90.3%
ashleyj722 31.86 96.8%
statusmeco 128.24 98.1%
naomi_bee 66.51 97.4%