Ahhhhh! - stacula

This quote was added by stacula
Hello... Is there anybody out there? People from the school of hard knocks make other people form partnerships. Does any of this make any sense? No, it doesn't. I'm doing this quote for free!

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Name WPM Accuracy
strikeemblem 110.43 96.5%
vmlm 107.94 94.1%
user523355 106.38 95.5%
whitebeard 99.02 98.5%
practicebutt69 98.43 99.0%
zaoxa 96.66 91.8%
savageengine 95.38 99.0%
world177 94.84 96.5%
mafuso 93.93 95.0%
michael_miriti 91.41 97.4%

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Name WPM Accuracy
swolchuck 62.67 99.0%
user238034 67.96 91.0%
gibbie 63.49 94.1%
elpatrongarcia 48.35 86.9%
rumi_25 56.23 93.2%
user781461 63.72 92.9%
mrpasha 47.67 95.0%
strikeemblem 107.72 94.1%