
This quote was added by doggodoggopupper
I like doggos and doggos like you and also there's a matter of a thing that I must discuss. There's also the fact that I must tell u that I am in grave danger, and that your the on- oh no.

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trishadgk 102.26 91.5%
shaikkamarul 78.96 93.4%
engl3king06 76.88 93.4%
smashtoub 75.19 95.8%
mariasolos 65.56 97.4%
hmyerscoomer 52.48 86.0%
machinist80 50.41 84.8%
user909106 34.87 90.1%
user108623 34.79 80.8%
ridwan2000 30.03 86.4%

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Name WPM Accuracy
user108623 34.79 80.8%
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machinist80 50.41 84.8%
trishadgk 102.26 91.5%
mockingbird561 20.93 86.8%
shaikkamarul 78.96 93.4%
ridwan2000 30.03 86.4%
mariasolos 65.56 97.4%