Tutorial Level, Enter the Gungeon - Ser Manuel

This quote was added by leonpdq
Wayward soul, approach me and press E to speak. For it is I, Ser Manuel. Heed my words and I shall show you how to survive this accursed labyrinth. Continue through the door to begin your tutelage!

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Best scores for this typing test

Name WPM Accuracy
typin_ 117.28 90.8%
jgdude 101.58 98.0%
ezka 97.40 94.7%
memgo 92.91 96.1%
jacqueline1234 91.36 95.6%
kicko 88.60 98.5%
syfrescent 86.79 96.1%
geageorgia 81.81 94.3%
delacruz.danilojr 81.74 94.3%
galaxy.speck. 73.72 96.1%

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Name WPM Accuracy
geageorgia 81.81 94.3%
delacruz.danilojr 81.74 94.3%
syfrescent 86.79 96.1%
ash 40.08 96.1%
galaxy.speck. 73.72 96.1%
omolon 50.86 94.3%
jgdude 101.58 98.0%
typin_ 117.28 90.8%