
This quote was added by leonpdq
Look at Curry man... so inspirational. What he did right there I did it as well, I just didn't have the cameras on. I'm going to be doing that by June though, you wait and see.

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memgo 111.33 99.4%
jezpher 111.33 95.1%
kensmom825 107.79 97.8%
need_4_speed 104.24 95.2%
mgreen22097 103.75 98.3%
mbqg1234 101.69 95.1%
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user604787 92.79 97.2%
haonnnoah 89.04 93.2%

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user108790 22.52 82.6%
user819086 46.88 96.7%
pjmj 85.72 99.4%