The Cider House Rules - Lasse Hallstrom

This quote was added by master_typing06
I had hoped to become a hero. But in St. Cloud's, there was no such position. In the lonely, sordid world of lost children, there were no heroes to be found. And so I became the caretaker of many, father of none. Well, in a way, there was one. His name was Homer Wells.

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typin_ 142.08 90.0%
2001or2 131.56 92.4%
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kicko 102.21 96.1%
jacqueline1234 101.85 95.7%
noobplayer 101.84 97.5%
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cholloway526 94.62 98.2%

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rkoh 84.85 95.7%
jacqueline1234 101.85 95.7%
dangerousbubbles420 36.03 95.4%