AP Typing Exam - College Board - Joseph Ngo

This quote was added by jokano
I attest to the following: I shall not give or receive aid during this exam. My answers will be entirely my own. Plagiarism software will scan my responses. My teacher will receive a copy of my responses. In order to calibrate your keyboard, please type the following sentences that include all letters in the alphabet: My grandfather picks up quartz and valuable onyx jewels. Send 60 dozen quart jars and 12 black pens.

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Name WPM Accuracy
vino 83.52 93.5%
user843630 72.08 94.4%
slaughtermelon 69.67 97.0%
user97848 66.61 91.1%
aizhuxue28 57.45 96.3%
a1m05tn1nj4 52.84 90.9%
axelbuang 49.31 92.7%
sim700016 48.85 90.5%
user83236 47.24 95.7%
fabien73 46.35 96.1%

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Name WPM Accuracy
user843630 72.08 94.4%
slaughtermelon 69.67 97.0%
aizhuxue28 57.45 96.3%
ksnelling 24.52 87.6%
fabien73 46.35 96.1%
user97848 66.61 91.1%
vino 83.52 93.5%
sim700016 48.85 90.5%