You are special - Max Lucado

This quote was added by michelle38
"You will understand but it takes time. You've got a lot of marks. For now, just come to see me every day, and let me remind you how much I care." You are special.

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Name WPM Accuracy
user871724 151.97 98.2%
dcb87 131.07 100%
user851491 120.16 97.0%
npabs 110.73 95.9%
gwaldrop 106.52 95.3%
localbisexual 104.09 92.0%
kicko 103.14 100%
ultimatedecider 102.75 100%
kathryn821 96.93 97.6%
geryjs 93.50 93.1%

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Name WPM Accuracy
kicko 83.81 92.1%
user80864 91.55 92.7%
geageorgia 87.95 94.8%
user99861 33.90 87.7%
kicko 103.14 100%
thecrazydane2 84.27 92.1%
guess317 74.18 94.8%
user105219 89.96 99.4%