Nonsense with common words #1 - Anonn

This quote was added by user75732
The person with the great long hand can give us work this week to close his own high point in the company where I make little things with little children.

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noobplayer 136.28 99.4%
user381085 133.65 95.7%
valiantcorvus 124.34 97.5%
devarousc 121.76 99.4%
npabs 121.40 99.4%
gwaldrop 117.55 98.1%
dnakamura650 115.93 100%
user843630 108.39 98.1%
noasky 107.75 98.1%
rrapattoni 94.17 95.7%

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user349339 55.66 96.3%
user108640 45.23 91.7%
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marksgough 67.59 89.0%
gwaldrop 117.55 98.1%
magesh 92.91 93.4%
kampo 40.30 74.6%
user843630 108.39 98.1%