Speed Typing - Bryan G

This quote was added by bryan039
Is it only me or does everyone skip every quote that was typed under the speed average? Well actually, I do. I only finish typing quotes if it's above my average, and skip every quote that's under.

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Score (WPM) distribution for this quote. More.

Best scores for this typing test

Name WPM Accuracy
dcb87 117.57 99.5%
jezpher 113.52 96.1%
tealstone 110.59 98.5%
paranoidminotaur 108.49 97.5%
mafuso 105.20 96.6%
angel_poi_ 90.60 95.7%
user586219 89.20 93.0%
user81722 88.45 99.5%
user489828 87.12 100%
therenzhe 83.96 93.0%

Recently for

Name WPM Accuracy
smartboynaresh 79.90 92.1%
guya 61.94 89.6%
user458063 77.98 92.9%
jezpher 113.52 96.1%
ashlearm 63.67 100%
user107670 69.66 98.5%
zitro89 64.22 96.1%
mohd_talib 41.59 93.8%