LA Trains - Eaj of Day6

This quote was added by jegravagus
I'm stuck in this moment 'cause it shines beautiful. So do these streetlights and so do you. Wish we could stay here without so much as blinking. Keep you in my eyeline, cronus must die.

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rezai 149.13 100%
berryberryberry 145.80 95.4%
user939249 140.10 95.9%
venerated 128.12 100%
willwin4sure 126.24 97.4%
destiny-00 124.08 94.9%
ltfigs 123.76 94.1%
user89060 123.66 98.9%
zhengfeilong 122.95 97.9%
lirich90 120.94 98.9%

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user105447 49.09 93.9%
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bkbroiler 63.85 84.5%
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miss_projectile 24.18 98.9%
louiief 79.30 96.9%
pich 45.61 94.9%