Happiness - By me

This quote was added by user712507
Will we ever reach true happiness in life? Or are we doomed to create our own problems till the end of time? I think we can reach that point but it will not come easily.

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typin_ 182.00 96.0%
user491757 134.89 95.5%
dcb87 122.47 99.4%
npabs 121.13 100%
trishadgk 118.94 97.7%
jacqueline1234 116.38 98.8%
mentalist 114.11 96.6%
mr_snow 114.09 98.8%
bweeta 104.57 96.6%
geryjs 103.59 92.9%

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p23scitech 49.09 85.8%
maadj 79.71 97.7%
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