Yumeko Jabami- Kakegurui

This quote was added by chenjieni
The amount of money one owns ultimately decides the victor. This doesn't stop within the walls of a casino, or it's cash flow. It's a rule that forms the basis for a capitalist society!

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hiramisu 122.52 96.4%
ssk516 116.92 94.9%
1typer 97.48 97.9%
dante-didit 96.34 97.9%
sterlingwolf 94.45 95.4%
perplexedphoenix 87.43 94.4%
acorley84 86.78 97.9%
_kaav 86.41 97.4%
user108043 86.37 91.0%
user99057 82.47 95.9%

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djgray 37.94 96.4%
hiramisu 122.52 96.4%
user745853 64.23 92.5%
sterlingwolf 94.45 95.4%