I am not for everyone - Sylvester McNutt III

This quote was added by d1vineb0y
I am not for everyone. I know my truth, I know who I am, I know what I do and do not bring to the table. I'm not easy to deal with but I do bring tons of value. I bring love and strength, but I am not perfect, and if I don't fit in with a person or group that is okay with me.

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slowtyper237 3 years, 9 months ago
like they say, let others invite you, don't invite yourself.
jridley11009 3 years, 9 months ago
I am not for everyone.I know my truth, I know who I am, What I do and do not bring to the table I'm not easy to deal with but I do bring tons of value.I bring love and strength,but I am not perfect, and if I don't fit in with a person or group that is okay wit me.
d1vineb0y 3 years, 9 months ago
poem by sylvester mcnutt

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