Keyboard - Typist69420

This quote was added by typist69420
I recently got my new mechanical keyboard, and it was great! It was hugely different experience than my older membrane keyboard. Every moment I feel an urge to type on it, even when I don't need to. I searched online for things that I can do with this new keyboard and to my surprise, a lot! New keycaps, switches, applying lubricant to it and many more. I'm definitely going to be addicted to this.

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user85577 3 years, 8 months ago
.......... .kiriiya you are acting like a child
kiriiya 3 years, 8 months ago
You must live in quirk city.

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user871724 131.44 95.5%
komicaljd 122.52 95.7%
trishadgk 106.07 96.4%
destiny-00 103.69 93.9%
npabs 101.80 95.2%
user586219 101.54 92.1%
jacqueline1234 101.45 94.1%
algo 98.13 95.7%
jacquelinej 92.49 91.5%
gwaldrop 91.71 94.6%

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amman66 82.65 94.3%
user871724 131.44 95.5%
donoshea 68.41 87.7%