High WPM - anonymous

This quote was added by lazybobby240
Chances are that if you are typing this out right now, you are practicing to improve your WPM. Well, hate to break it to you, mindlessly doing typing tests doesn't help as much as you might think. You should go on a website like typing.com to learn each key, so you can start off with the right habits.

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sandblast5953 2 months, 2 weeks ago

Test your skills, take the Typing Test.

Score (WPM) distribution for this quote. More.

Best scores for this typing test

Name WPM Accuracy
user491757 141.28 97.8%
theprivateeye 112.10 93.6%
hamchow 111.18 98.4%
browar08 100.21 97.8%
jacqueline1234 99.80 93.6%
gwaldrop 92.99 93.0%
user949982 85.55 95.9%
seattle 84.77 96.2%
mgraham 82.89 93.6%
reamerton 79.63 98.4%

Recently for

Name WPM Accuracy
user491757 141.28 97.8%
joshsalita30 54.80 94.2%
user101655 45.82 91.6%
user108790 23.84 87.0%
queenrita124 22.30 97.1%
blizda 54.07 79.6%
hamchow 111.18 98.4%
jacqueline1234 99.80 93.6%