Starting Child Process... - The Talos Principle

This quote was added by vincyzed
Behold, child. You are risen from the dust, and you walk in my garden. Hear now my voice, and know that I am your maker, and I am called ELOHIM. Seek me in my temple, if you are worthy.

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rrapattoni 99.11 99.5%
nickelfortay 83.22 97.9%
the_hornburg 82.59 98.4%
user843630 77.83 96.9%
user843630 77.83 96.9%
333_eddy 74.69 89.9%
clickclackm00 72.02 86.9%
shockwave 70.48 94.9%
magesh 66.65 92.5%
user85658 66.04 94.4%

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clickclackm00 72.02 86.9%
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user843630 77.83 96.9%
clickclackm00 69.57 91.2%
magesh 66.65 92.5%
soymilk00 64.50 91.1%
rrapattoni 99.11 99.5%