This quote was added by faithtato
You have to start thinking like you're blessed, talking like you're blessed, and acting like you're blessed. That's how your blessing gets activated...

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dcb87 131.21 99.3%
user425222 128.10 98.7%
user948988 127.96 95.6%
vmlm 122.23 96.8%
kyle_w 118.34 99.3%
venerated 116.70 95.0%
user943813 115.61 98.7%
reggmendoza 115.54 100%
trishadgk 112.90 96.2%
user717489 112.83 96.8%

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machinist80 60.40 88.4%
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user104405 91.36 96.2%
ezka 90.63 95.6%
user107477 34.88 93.8%
slaughtermelon 80.13 95.0%
user105219 74.50 96.2%