Tips? - Some Guy

This quote was added by user869097
I need help. My English sonnet poem is due today, and I still have yet to find a topic. If anyone could give me any ideas that would be great and very much appreciated!

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user871724 176.86 96%
destiny-00 141.12 100%
jaredro 126.23 97.7%
jpeach 125.02 100%
venerated 123.83 98.8%
abwuhd 123.02 97.1%
nan 121.91 95.5%
strikeemblem 119.18 97.1%
typist_type 117.03 99.4%
user74975 116.53 98.2%

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mojoreno 85.68 94.4%
yoko 64.14 89.4%
npabs 111.65 97.1%
lpm14 99.48 95.5%
user513723 65.60 89.4%