
This quote was added by nld2
Par démonstration j'entends le syllogisme scientifique, et j'appelle scientifique un syllogisme dont la possession même constitue pour nous la science.

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artong 143.21 100%
linsk 139.78 99.3%
user96850 122.80 96.8%
discombobulated 122.56 99.3%
user491273 119.57 97.4%
thespacesheep 118.17 97.4%
augustin417 117.72 98.7%
jeanjean 116.44 98.1%
user485823 110.91 100%
dcb87 108.85 100%

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jeffe 64.02 98.1%
user104249 59.09 92.7%
jeffe 71.79 96.8%