Laughing Bull to Jet - Cowboy Bepbop

This quote was added by saskatoonpie
Do not fear death, death is always at our side. When we show fear, it jumps at us faster than light. But if we do not show fear, it casts its eye upon us gently and then guides us into infinity.

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strikeemblem 122.08 95.6%
user106425 121.55 95.1%
saraannehopperr 106.23 98.5%
user108290 102.66 100%
gwaldrop 99.94 92.8%
neumnotele 91.82 98.5%
ozymandias037 89.95 95.6%
lisa1025 86.79 94.2%
jupitergwin 86.08 95.2%
user104252 84.65 95.1%

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user108043 80.28 91.5%
user107281 19.68 81.6%
jules831 65.42 91.9%