Terlena - Untukmu

This quote was added by badron93
Masih terngiang di telingaku. Bisik cintamu betapa lembut dan mesranya, aku terlena. Sungguh aku bahagia. Benih cinta yang kau tanam. Bersemi indah di hati.

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jendbibir 109.96 95.7%
shiro_isan 103.67 99.4%
typingtofu 99.15 95.7%
user807623 94.46 99.4%
user83076 93.29 99.4%
qiww 92.86 96.3%
riversprite 92.26 96.9%
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dwi.rendra 85.97 96.9%
axcl 84.95 98.7%

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