answering a quote - Lauren

This quote was added by laurenbickert83
I have been typing at my desk all day. It's slow today and I have the time. I ran across a quote from a fellow typist. She or he or they made a comment about how this site has introduced them to books and movies and shows, and how that was unexpected. I have experienced something similar. I do this because I truly want to improve my accuracy and WPM but also I find the quotes on this site to be much more interesting than other sites I've been on.

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Score (WPM) distribution for this quote. More.

Best scores for this typing test

Name WPM Accuracy
m_murasaki 100.44 97.4%
user949982 93.20 95.3%
arwind7249 92.40 98.3%
sizzle_slime 89.33 93.8%
user453101 88.18 94.7%
bkbroiler 80.51 94.4%
user107563 76.11 96.2%
amajiki 74.98 98.3%
clickclackm00 69.90 93.0%
phantomreplayyt 69.81 94.7%

Recently for

Name WPM Accuracy
user453101 88.18 94.7%
user949982 93.20 95.3%
amajiki 74.98 98.3%
user107563 76.11 96.2%
sizzle_slime 89.33 93.8%
clickclackm00 69.90 93.0%
alimamasarogan2 27.92 95.7%
arwind7249 92.40 98.3%