The Impossible - Wikipedia

This quote was added by w455fewf
Zenzizenzizenzic is an obsolete form of mathematical notation representing the eighth power of a number (that is, the zenzizenzizenzic of x is x8), dating from a time when powers were written out in words rather than as superscript numbers.

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catrice 3 years, 3 months ago
Zenzizenzizenzic is an obsolete form of mathematical notation representing the eighth power of a number (that is, the zenzizenzizenzic of x is x8), dating from a time when powers were written out in words rather than as superscript numbers.
bcurty32 3 years, 3 months ago
No one in the history of ever is going to actually type out this quote. I am sorry. I appreciate the cool fact, but there is a reason Tumblr exists. This website is mostly for typing practice and it would be nice to be able to type a quote that at least somewhat resembles a paragraph one might type in an essay or an email.

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