Typing Mode - God - Typist

This quote was added by curious_me
The best way to achieve "God Like" typing speed is to focus on speed and not accuracy. And by the way, you have to do the opposite of what is mentioned above! There is no way you can gain a fast typing speed without accuracy.

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loser2480 2 years, 8 months ago
I hear that if you also stare at your hands while typing to see the keys that you need to press also makes you a "God-Tier" typist.
dvorakdan 2 years, 9 months ago
The best thing to do here is to type without thinking whether the meaning of what is said is correct or not! That will do you in every time.

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Best scores for this typing test

Name WPM Accuracy
zhengfeilong 156.24 99.6%
johnymaccarroni 156.20 100%
jiggalee 152.40 97.0%
user401321 140.09 98.3%
user871724 139.74 85.3%
venerated 134.68 100%
69buttpractice 133.07 97.4%
onetwothreefour1234 132.85 100%
user491757 132.80 96.2%
rivendellis 132.40 99.1%

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Name WPM Accuracy
vayu 80.87 99.6%
tornado_warnado 65.56 92.6%
kyle_w 111.26 97.8%
magesh 93.77 97.4%
admin04 78.83 91.8%
stevendiao 85.64 91.1%
user109145 46.80 91.8%
shyhamhalder 79.35 93.8%