
This quote was added by user873988
Description physique de Julien Sorel au début du roman : "Un petit jeune homme de dix-huit ans, faible en apparence, avec des traits irréguliers mais délicats."

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wradion 122.74 94.7%
bydog10 95.88 96.4%
fanny1989 95.73 98.8%
thespacesheep 93.64 94.7%
dcb87 90.09 99.4%
user485823 89.75 98.2%
inesmounir 72.64 98.8%
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jeanbagarre 69.38 89.0%
user50419 69.23 96.4%

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fanny1989 95.12 97.6%
bendjaho 40.26 93.0%
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