Differing Opinions - Lauren

This quote was added by laurenbickert83
I have read many "quotes" requesting (demanding more like) people stop posting inspirational quotes. One writer even went so far as to say they would rather type the Bee Movie script than type inspirational quotes. Well, everyone is entitled to their opinion. My opinion is that I enjoy the variety of quotes on this site. So many typing sites make you type the same script over and over again, so tedious. Please keep submitting your wondrous variety! It makes a dull day go by pleasantly.

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Best scores for this typing test

Name WPM Accuracy
maxwellsdad 95.44 93.2%
sabratyper 82.81 96.1%
maiaf_dvorak 80.41 96.7%
justkidding 79.62 95.0%
galaxy.speck. 76.09 97.6%
sterlingwolf 75.27 92.5%
user413926 74.19 92.1%
slaughtermelon 73.43 94.8%
user93811 70.82 96.6%
its-a-me 70.64 95.0%

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Name WPM Accuracy
sterlingwolf 75.27 92.5%
galaxy.speck. 76.09 97.6%
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maxwellsdad 95.44 93.2%
maiaf_dvorak 80.41 96.7%
user303783 65.78 94.0%