Beside me brother - Unknown

This quote was added by goal7
Stand beside me brother. Brothers in arms we'll be. We will fight till we can fight no more. We must come home carrying our shields or on our shields. Give me liberty or give me death. I will not surrender this freedom I have for anything. I will fight for you and for all of us.

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user871724 148.92 92.1%
user401321 146.70 97.2%
hackertyper492 142.27 96.5%
berryberryberry 134.80 94.0%
spartantyper 130.51 98.9%
2001or2 129.33 92.7%
mentalist 127.37 100%
mafuso 125.39 99.3%
dedricfrese20 123.56 97.6%
k8thegr81 123.39 99.3%

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user85658 58.75 94.6%
claudy 59.77 97.2%
user843630 82.50 95.2%