Jan Benson

This quote was added by mildlytroll
What is life? Is life a game? Yes. Life is a game, and the hunter is approaching. Whether the hunter will become the hunted remains to be seen. Will the sun awaken from its sleep?

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user871724 167.32 100%
user64764 146.45 96.2%
zhengfeilong 144.09 97.8%
user491757 142.36 98.3%
berryberryberry 140.64 94.7%
restspeaker 139.34 100%
violet12333 138.11 98.9%
hmmmmm 137.91 97.3%
2001or2 136.89 97.3%
jilbean 131.93 100%

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sarynbek 75.62 96.2%
swatkhan 63.87 98.4%
jacqueline1234 83.93 93.2%