This is My Quote - Hoy from AZ

This quote was added by hoyongryou
I have been typing on this website for a very long time and just realized that there are badges to earn. I would like to earn a badge for adding a quote. Is this enough lines to get that badge? I am not sure because I didn't even read what the requirement was to get the quote badge. But here I am still creating this quote because why not?

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8teen 2 years, 10 months ago
did u get the badge tho

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Name WPM Accuracy
user871724 182.76 99.4%
venerated 161.39 98.6%
user491757 160.33 99.1%
hackertyper492 151.35 97.4%
kwissy_ 146.83 98.0%
sil 142.48 96.3%
keyherohero 139.88 95.0%
thelastolympian11 138.99 96.0%
strikeemblem 138.37 99.1%
theprivateeye 138.09 97.4%

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Name WPM Accuracy
hoyongryou 111.54 96.3%
hoyongryou 128.59 99.1%
hoyongryou 123.07 97.1%
m_murasaki 100.36 99.7%
taylomein 61.46 93.9%
user106998 69.28 93.7%
mattc 90.95 98.3%
kensmom825 108.90 97.1%