men - me when help

This quote was added by decay_achilles
When the impostor is a bad person but you have no idea what to write so you just begin to say random stuff for a random achievement so yeah cool stuff.

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dcb87 127.13 99.3%
trishadgk 117.30 98.1%
npabs 114.91 96.8%
user108043 111.85 92.8%
geryjs 109.22 98.7%
delacruz.danilojr 108.33 95.6%
dante-didit 106.64 98.7%
ben.tomo.132 101.57 95.6%
rrapattoni 101.27 96.8%
noobplayer 101.25 98.1%

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thecrazydane2 76.26 92.1%
krish20241107 38.99 95.0%
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