A gift for you! - Aditya

This quote was added by adityagupta73
Life is very good. Live it. Don't run from your life. You should done good to humanity. Many scientists have done very good by contributing to our lives.

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user0987 12 years, 2 months ago
This is horrible.

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Name WPM Accuracy
eventlogging 170.00 100%
crtuttle 114.27 100%
superchester 110.98 98.7%
user29869 107.19 99.3%
user20284 105.18 98.7%
dutchman13 103.66 99.3%
kimjust6 102.20 96.7%
user25933 97.33 98.7%
pancake 94.98 98.7%
umvard 94.92 98.0%

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Name WPM Accuracy
eventlogging 170.00 100%
kirstenrocha 73.77 98.0%
user31911 65.49 98.0%
user22591 64.11 98.0%
mattergirl 35.64 93.5%
typisttraining 53.72 97.4%
userriler 29.54 96.1%
kaikaikaikaikai 61.20 97.4%