Fast and easy - Sophia Hurtado

This quote was added by randomaccount
Some people skip through the long quotes, I understand that, it's easy to mess up getting lost in all the words. While in reality, the longer the quote, the better practice, trust me, if you practice only on short quotes, you will get lost when you see long quotes.

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Best scores for this typing test

Name WPM Accuracy
jacqueline1234 141.03 99.3%
dcb87 124.81 97.8%
tjapit 116.52 99.6%
donoshea 110.00 98.9%
user80864 105.30 98.5%
user949982 104.47 99.6%
tamoney 103.22 96.7%
slaughtermelon 98.49 100%
ryno4117 97.98 94.3%
avattavada 95.23 98.5%

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Name WPM Accuracy
tamoney 103.22 96.7%
user546385 35.55 92.7%
user99861 52.87 95.3%
tjapit 116.52 99.6%
doomiseternal 66.54 94.7%
ajpiatt 88.20 97.1%
user108291 38.46 97.4%
jacqueline1234 141.03 99.3%