English Sucks -

This quote was added by user97765
The confusing thing about the English language is what follows: lead rhymes with read, and lead rhymes with read. However, lead and read don't rhyme nor do lead and read.

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neveronground 2 years, 7 months ago
no u.
gianttoenail99 2 years, 7 months ago
You suck at english

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user871724 167.53 97.1%
user491757 148.20 99.4%
penguino_beano 138.92 96.6%
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69buttpractice 138.08 100%
theprivateeye 135.03 98.3%
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2001or2 131.56 96.0%
user69245 128.21 98.3%
deadmoose 127.97 100%

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lils415 31.69 84.2%
user843630 77.44 95.0%
stevendiao 85.56 92.4%