Getting Inventory - Minecraft Achievements

This quote was added by randomaccount
With this achievement it's pretty simple. This achievement takes one step, opening up your inventory. That simple, you can complete it before you even load up the world.

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Score (WPM) distribution for this quote. More.

Best scores for this typing test

Name WPM Accuracy
blunzengroestel 98.09 98.8%
algo 94.87 89.4%
amman66 91.85 95.5%
somerandomppl 86.84 94.4%
rrapattoni 83.10 97.7%
edwardg 80.48 99.4%
ultra_penguin 80.03 100%
bkbroiler 76.90 87.2%
clickclackm00 72.08 88.1%
merscadag 57.87 91.8%

Recently for

Name WPM Accuracy
blunzengroestel 98.09 98.8%
somerandomppl 86.84 94.4%
acer1976 57.63 90.9%
clickclackm00 72.08 88.1%
ultra_penguin 80.03 100%
bkbroiler 76.90 87.2%
user92662 52.61 95.5%
meganlocke 56.32 97.7%