Short Simple 1 - Typing Experiment

This quote was added by kellwood
Dream oral note a world for spine grace the moral wreck slave a black tax by arm add able brake stool dome mess press toast sail fair aloof size an inn.

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kellwood 3 years, 1 month ago
I created these in order to do a statistical experiment to measure typing speed and accuracy under different conditions.

Test your skills, take the Typing Test.

Score (WPM) distribution for this quote. More.

Best scores for this typing test

Name WPM Accuracy
chroelo 110.30 97.4%
user717489 108.14 99.3%
amirdhirani 98.83 99.3%
v3suvius 97.61 100%
mgmcdona 97.19 97.4%
rossgshaffer 95.43 96.2%
fwuits 94.43 96.2%
ardorfang_dv 93.42 91.0%
nuclearreaction 92.76 93.9%
sean1611 86.65 97.4%

Recently for

Name WPM Accuracy
sean1611 86.65 97.4%
noob123456 86.32 96.2%
bobthetomato 62.98 96.2%
user93280 36.03 97.4%
sreejith 74.97 91.6%
klepczan 56.82 91.6%
fwuits 94.43 96.2%
rossgshaffer 95.43 96.2%