One Piece - Silvers Rayleigh

This quote was added by kiriau
Continue ta route, observe le monde de tes propres yeux et alors, peut-être qu'à la fin de ton voyage tu parviendras à une conclusion différente de la nôtre.

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Name WPM Accuracy
fanny1989 122.85 98.7%
mhenderi 119.26 100%
thespacesheep 119.01 98.7%
augustin417 113.71 98.7%
user59045 111.39 98.7%
jeanbagarre 108.83 97.5%
vardaath 108.74 100%
bydog10 108.53 93.5%
user485823 106.48 100%
dcb87 103.25 100%

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ironherald 85.31 99.4%
maried 42.40 90.2%
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pokedi2 68.60 98.7%
laberrichonne 74.53 94.6%
fanny1989 94.16 95.2%
jeffe 75.10 98.1%
user485823 88.91 95.8%