Quotes - my thoughts

This quote was added by shahshahshah
I keep seeing these kpop quotes from so many different groups like BTS, Seventeen, Day6, NCT, etc. I love it, I really do... but I want to add one for EXO too! The problem is that every time I decide that I will, I blank out on a quote from any of the members and I struggle to find good ones online. Truly a dilemma.

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winpiece 2 years, 6 months ago
Save the rambling for Reddit. This is not an interesting quote.

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ned1230 118.39 93.2%
hackertyper492 105.43 91.6%
skyhako 101.09 100%
sakum 96.43 98.4%
krbenson88 94.20 98.4%
rossgshaffer 93.75 94.1%
kristinferguson95 93.33 96.4%
nuclearreaction 90.94 92.4%
rchsun 89.65 96.6%
user99441 86.95 96.6%

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